The Mysteries
of 10 Great
To learn the secrets of Aphrodite’s youth?
Easy! Ten step-by-step tutorials and practices will make you the eleventh pearl, if not the diamond!

- You feel that you get sucked into your work, life and problems
- You feel a special power
You have always been interested in outstanding
personalities and their secrets to success - You want to learn the energy practices of rejuvenation
- You want to reveal femininity and beauty and achieve happiness
- You want to make this world more beautiful and cleaner

- Become more confident
- Be more relaxed and sensual
- Feel wanted
- Help all living beings on the Earth
- Build a strong family without conflict and in harmony
- Discover superpowers
- Make this world a better place
- It’s easy to get what you want
Great Women!
- To strengthen the inner core of confidence
- To boost self-esteem
- To get in good with the right people
- To attain the state of a queen

- To live without conflicts and quarrels
- To make your family live in peace, love and understanding
- To find harmony in the family
- To discover a creative nature

- To cure diseases
- To clear the female lineage’s karma
- To know the meaning of life
- To become a happy, full-fledged woman

- To return passion to the relationship
- To reveal your sensuality
- To improve women’s health
- To find a loving and caring partner

- To preserve your youth and beauty
- To learn the secrets of attraction and charm
- To build a strong relationship
- To raise healthy children

- Attain the state of wholeness and power
- To protect yourself and your lineage from negativity
- To improve your self-esteem
- Not to depend on previous partners

- To make people around you feel comfortable with you
- To care and attention from your partner
- To draw all the blessings of the Earth
- To learn to inspire loved ones

- To find your soul mate
- To become the most desirable partner
- To maintain mutual understanding with the family for many years
- To increase a personal power

- To achieve success in any business
- To discover your superpower
- To draw all the blessings for yourself and your loved ones
- To fulfill a cherished wish

- To maintain self-control in any situation
- To master public speaking skills
- To learn to make others interested and to carry others along
- To make new acquaintances easily

- She’s a philanthropist. She’s regularly engaged in charity, helping poor families
- Enya’s wisdom and knowledge are a source of inspiration for more than a million women.
- She has been researching the hidden abilities of women for 20 years and has written more than 10 bestselling books on the subject.
- Spiritual mentor, mystic, and staunch supporter of the power of Magic, the Moon, intuition, and spirituality.
- Special guest on TV programs in Europe, Asia, the USA, and Latin America.
- For 20 years, she has been personally studying with masters in India, Mexico, and Tibet.
- Enya was initiated in Egypt in the temple of Isis and is a priestess of the Moon.
- She lived in an ashram in India for 3 years and an eco-village in Mexico, collecting the experience of the world’s most famous mentors and sages.
- International Tantra coach.
- Ecologist, environmentalist, and guardian of ancient shamanic traditions.

To become a sensual, successful and self-confident woman living in wealth and luxury?

Always to look good, to have shining skin and have eyes shined with youth health?

To easily achieve high goals?

To know about your feminine predestination, to realize your goals and desires?

To become a magnet for money and new opportunities?