I welcome you, Dear Soul!

Your application for the online package has been accepted, we have received your payment. I am sending you the links to all materials that are already available to you:
Here you will find a meditative practice that will allow you to fully immerse yourself in your chosen world of Amazon, so that you appropriate all the gifts that it carries. Do this practice daily, right after the practice from the lesson, or distribute two meditations throughout the day: one - in the morning, the other- in the evening. You will feel how your condition will change, and the series of events in your life will begin to line up quite differently!
Meditation of the Element of Earth - health and strength
There is also a mandala inside the package. When you feel an internal response, just open this video. Concentrate on the mandala, its image and sound. I recommend listening to the sound in the headphones, so the effect will be stronger.
Amazon’s Mandala

Just as I promised, I am giving you a few more gifts:
I have prepared Amazon’s music for you. Turn it on when you are at home and do everyday things, let this music just accompany you and give you the mood that Amazon carries.
Amazon’s Music
And do not forget to install Amazon's screensaver on your phone, to fix the state so that you can feel as Great as she is, every time you take your phone in hand!
Amazon’s Screensaver